19th ICSSS: new application deadline
2009. december 4.TDK

The ICSSS committee has decided to extend the application deadline for the 19th annual congress of the International Congress on Sport Sciences for Students (ICSSS) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, 8-10 April 2010 until the 31st of January 2010.

New application submission deadline is January 31, 2010, 23:59 CET (Central European Time).

Please note: March 5, 2010 is the registration deadline for presenting authors. The registration of the presenter (= first author) must be received by March 5, 2010 at the latest to guarantee publication of the abstract in the Proceedings. Late registrations will result in exclusion of the abstract from the Proceedings. The receipt of your abstract submission will be confirmed by e-mail.

Guidelines for abstract submission

The Abstract must be typed into the abstract submission form. All abstracts will be published in the proceedings of the 19th ICSSS. Abstracts are restricted to 3300 characters (including spaces - without title, authors and institutions). They may not contain any tables or graphs and is restricted to ASCII-characters only. References in the text have to be cited at the end of the abstract (and they must fit in the 3300 characters).  Abstracts will be printed exactly as they appear in the preview.

All abstracts will be judged and rated by two independent referees.

Poster size is A/0 (120 x 90 cm).  The format is portrait.

Címkék: konferencia,ICSSS
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