Szent-Györgyi Young Investigator Award
2019. október 29.Doktori Iskola

A New York-i Magyar Tudományos Társaság pályázatot hirdet a „Szent-Györgyi Young Investigator Award” elnyerésére. A díjra 35 év alatti magyar tudósok, PhD hallgatók pályázhatnak, akik Magyarországon, vagy a szomszédos országokban végzik tevékenységüket.

The New York Hungarian Scientific Society, a non-forprofit charitable 501 (c)(3) organization, is accepting applications for the Albert Szent-Györgyi Young Investigator Award supporting original research by Hungarian scientists living in Hungary or in neighboring countries.

The application is open for graduate students working for their PhD degree or scientists with PhD under the age of 35, in the fields of formal (mathematics), natural (physical and life sciences) and social sciences.

There will be one award for $2,000 USD and three finalists, each will receive 1,000 USD that can be used to support research. The awardees are required to submit a final report within a year detailing how the award was spent.

Applicants should submit the following:

  • one-page summary of their former research,
  • short resume with a list of publications,
  • short (maximum 3 minutes) video explaining why the applicant should receive the award.

The documents and a link to the video should be sent to Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát. before November 15, 2019. All application material and the video should be in English.

The winner and the finalists will be announced in December, 2019 during the annual fundraising gala. The announcement will be displayed on the website of the Society. The winner and finalists will also be notified in email. Please email Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát. with any questions or comments about the award. Please visit for information about the previous awardees.

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