Call for participation - Intensive Program (IP 2012)
2012. május 25.Magyar Testnevelési és Sporttudományi Egyetem

The University of Oradea is organizing the next Intensive Program for 2012.

Date: 14 October 2012 – 26 October 2012

Deadline for application for students: 10 June 2012

Requirements of application for students:

  • MA in Physical Education and Coaching or Adapted PE
  • teaching practice
Documents required:
  • CV (Curriculum Vitae) (with your contact details)
  • Motivation letter (in English)
  • Certificate of English language exam
  • Copy of your ’index’ (printed from Neptun)
Please, submit your application to: Eszter Kercsmarics (Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát., tel:+36 1 487 9200/61116, +36 20 663 2962) Strategic and International Directorate. Eligible students will have to sit for an interview in English.

Participation is free for students. Food (breakfast, lunch and dinner), lodging, social activities, and study material will be provided.  You need to bring money for going out, drinks and some meals. Travel costs will be reimbursed on providing all documents (tickets and receipts) so please save them if you want your money back!

For more info please go to

2025. Magyar Testnevelési és Sporttudományi Egyetem
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