
2020. September

Lajos Mocsai meets EUSA President Adam Roczek online

Lajos Mocsai meets EUSA President Adam Roczek online

Two prominent figures of international university sports discussed important issues last week. Newly elected president of the Hungarian University Sports Federation (HUSF) Prof. Dr. h. c. Lajos Mocsai and European University Sports Association (EUSA) President Adam Roczek met online and conducted fruitful discussions.

MEFOB championships remain unaffected by the pandemic

MEFOB championships remain unaffected by the pandemic

Unlike many Hungarian first league championships in team sports, the ones organized by the Hungarian University Sports Federation (HUSF) have so far been unaffected by the coronavirus pandemic. There is a glimmer of hope that the domestic university sports scene will be the one and only to remain untouched by Covid-19.

Promo film debuts at the University of Physical Education

Promo film debuts at the University of Physical Education

The digital development of the University of Physical Education (UPE) is currently underway, which is represented by the LED wall installed in the lobby. The screen displays important information for students and it also features a new short film. The wall is used to draw attention to the importance of proper prevention during the second wave of the pandemic.

New sports facility developments launched at UPE

New sports facility developments launched at UPE

Developments at the new site of University of Physical Education’s (UPE) have begun in accordance with plans. The new sports facilities will not only be able to host trainings and competitions but they have also been designed to harmonize with the landscape.   

Dr. Csaba Sós receives professor title

Dr. Csaba Sós receives professor title

Dr. Sós Csaba’s career full of success has reached another milestone. The Head of the Swimming and Watersport Department of the University of Physical Education (UPE) has been awarded the professor title. Mr. Sós, an essential character of the Hungarian swimming scene, who has been the head coach of Hungary's swimming team since 2017, has been teaching at the university for more than thirty years.

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